Get Plans

The above API provides list of plans by project name with details. you can search plans by plan name or paginate plan list through this API.

This API provides programmatic access to detailed plan information for projects. Authenticate with an API key in the Authorization header. Retrieve plan IDs, project names, creation dates, and more. Integrate to streamline plan management.


To use the API, insert your API key in the Authorization header like this:

Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>

Replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with your AeroGCS API key. Without it, you'll get a 401 Unauthorized error.


GET : get all the plans

HTTP Request<projectId>/<projectName>/<searchString>/<startIndex>/<pageSize>

URL Parameters

URL parameters are

HTTP Response Code

Response codes explanation:

Code Snippet

Examples of how you can call this API using curl, Node.js, and Python

 curl --location '<projectName>/<searchString>/<startIndex>/<pageSize>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_key>'

Note: Replace <API_KEY> with the actual API_KEY provided by Aeromegh.

API Response

Example of API response in JSON format:

        "plans": [
                "id": "b8b016dc-a6e4-44ae-ad67-91c9c9c7a236",
                "project_name": "ndmvp2",
                "plan_name": "plan1",
                "user_id": "edb1bf33-0a01-4362-8474-e54e97873391",
                "date_and_time": "2023-08-29T11:25:48.317Z",
                "flight_source": "20.01507542048126  73.76465920705655",
                "flight_destination": "20.014820933045964  73.76443928606061",
                "plan_source_latlng": "20.01507542048126  73.76465920705655",
                "linked_map": null,
                "thumb": "",
                "MissionType": 2,
                "geofenceData": {
                    "geofence": [
                            "lat": 20.0151333,
                            "lon": 73.7646886,
                            "alt": 7
                            "lat": 20.014784366616542,
                            "lon": 73.76462853922483,
                            "alt": 7
                            "lat": 20.01481353323206,
                            "lon": 73.76442703533068,
                            "alt": 7
                            "lat": 20.015172999998708,
                            "lon": 73.76448139600608,
                            "alt": 7
                            "lat": 20.0151333,
                            "lon": 73.7646886,
                            "alt": 7
                "pilot_id": "st=2023-09-11T00%3A02%3A58Z&se=2024-09-11T09%3A22%3A58Z&sp=racwdl&sv=2018-03-28&sr=c&sig=94WHOurXVxKFMEOCATOP1trAJRq12ZTgwYjA3PpleCk%3D"

API Response Parameter Details

The following parameters are included in the API response :

  • id: Unique identifier for the plan.

  • project_name: Name of the project to which this plan belongs.

  • plan_name: Name of the specific plan.

  • user_id: Unique identifier for the user associated with this plan.

  • date_and_time: Date and time when the plan was created

  • flight_source: Latitude and longitude coordinates representing the source of the flight

  • flight_destination: Latitude and longitude coordinates representing the destination of the flight

  • plan_source_latlng: Latitude and longitude coordinates representing the source of the plan

  • linked_map: This attribute appears to be null, indicating there is no linked map associated with this plan.

  • thumb: URL pointing to a thumbnail image associated with the plan

  • MissionType: Indicates the type of mission (spraying plan).

    • Mission Type Values and Associated Plans:- The API response includes a missionType value, represented as an integer, which corresponds to different plans. Below is a table illustrating the missionType values along with their associated plan names:

  • geofenceData: Contains an array of geofence coordinates with their respective latitude, longitude, and altitude.

  • pilot_id: represent authentication or authorization token.

Last updated