Get Plan Data

The above API provides list of plan data. you can search plans by plan name or paginate plan list through this API.

This API provides programmatic access to plan data with secure API key authentication. Use a GET request to retrieve details like geofence points, mission waypoints, statistics, and project configuration. Comprehensive documentation helps developers leverage the API effectively.


To use the API, insert your API key in the Authorization header like this:

Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>

Replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with your AeroGCS API key. Without it, you'll get a 401 Unauthorized error.


GET : get plan data

HTTP Request

HTTP Response

Response codes explanation:



message: "ok"


request parameters missing


internal server error

Code Snippet

Examples of how you can call this API using curl, Node.js, and Python

 curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>'

Note: Replace <API_KEY> with the actual API_KEY provided by Aeromegh.

API Response

Example of API response in JSON format:

                "Geofence": {
                    "geofence": [
                            "lat": 20.009584292136523,
                            "lon": 73.7541407905519,
                            "alt": 1
                            "lat": 20.009079601546873,
                            "lon": 73.754923325032,
                            "alt": 1
                            "lat": 20.00857553941703,
                            "lon": 73.754204493016,
                            "alt": 1
                            "lat": 20.008862224951415,
                            "lon": 73.75354332849383,
                            "alt": 1
                            "lat": 20.009584292136523,
                            "lon": 73.7541407905519,
                            "alt": 1
                "Mission": {
                    "waypoints": [
                            "alt": 1,
                            "coordType": 1,
                            "lat": 20.008864460155227,
                            "lon": 73.75356073295823,
                            "speed": 1
                            "alt": 1,
                            "coordType": 0,
                            "lat": 20.008868663387137,
                            "lon": 73.75356073295823,
                            "speed": 1
                            "alt": 1,
                            "coordType": 1,
                            "lat": 20.008891803010293,
                            "lon": 73.7535798542622,
                            "speed": 1
                            "alt": 1,
                            "coordType": 0,
                            "lat": 20.00885612626373,
                            "lon": 73.7535798542622,
                            "speed": 1
                            "alt": 1,
                            "coordType": 1,
                            "lat": 20.008847792618187,
                            "lon": 73.75359897499509,
                            "speed": 1
                "MissionStatistics": {
                    "missionStatistics": [
                            "sprayingSpacing": 2,
                            "headingLockStatus": true,
                            "sprayLockHeading": 0,
                            "sprayingPumpRate": 10,
                            "sprayingSpeedMin": 1,
                            "sprayingArea": 8167.118676843368,
                            "sprayingAltitude": 1,
                            "sprayingSpot": 579,
                            "sprayingTrigger": 1,
                            "landAltLatitue": 0,
                            "landAltLongitude": 0,
                            "landAltitude": 0,
                            "landLatitue": 0,
                            "landLongitude": 0,
                            "missionDefaultAltitude": 10,
                            "missionDefaultSpeed": 5,
                            "missionHomeAltitude": 0,
                            "missionHomeLatitude": 0,
                            "missionHomeLongitude": 0,
                            "missionType": 2,
                            "planeMaxSpeed": 0,
                            "planeMinSpeed": 0,
                            "sprayingSpeed": 1,
                            "surveyCoordCount": 0,
                            "takeOffAltitude": 0,
                            "takeOffLatitue": 0,
                            "takeOffLongitude": 0,
                            "totalPlanDistance": 0,
                            "turnaroundDistance": 0,
                            "turnaroundAngle": 0,
                            "vehicleType": 0,
                            "verticalMission": 0,
                            "verticalRularScaleMaxValue": 0,
                            "wpRadius": 0
                "DGCAfence": {
                    "geofence": [
                            "lat": 20.00960202004002,
                            "lon": 73.754137683502,
                            "alt": 1
                            "lat": 20.00907992797021,
                            "lon": 73.75494244273294,
                            "alt": 1
                            "lat": 20.00855767389576,
                            "lon": 73.75420651930422,
                            "alt": 1
                            "lat": 20.008858273393678,
                            "lon": 73.75352467585893,
                            "alt": 1
                            "lat": 20.00960202004002,
                            "lon": 73.754137683502,
                            "alt": 1
                "planConfiguration": {
                    "projectDetails": [
                            "clientName": "",
                            "dateTime": "Sept 08,2023 16:53 pm",
                            "planCompletedStatus": 0,
                            "planName": "xx",
                            "projectName": "/AeroGCSWorkspace/test"
                "projectName": "test",
                "planName": "xx",
                "corridor": "File not found in DB",
                "obstacle": {
                    "polygons": [],
                    "circles": []

API Response Parameter

The following parameters are included in the API response :



Contains a list of geofence points with latitude, longitude, and altitude coordinates.


Contains a list of waypoints for the mission, each specifying altitude, coordinate type, latitude, longitude, and speed.


Contains statistics related to the mission, including parameters like spraying spacing, spraying speed, altitude, area covered, etc.


Similar to the Geofence section, contains a list of geofence points with latitude, longitude, and altitude coordinates.


Contains project details, including client name, date and time, plan completion status, plan name, and project name.


Specifies the name of the project ("test").


Specifies the name of the plan ("xx").


Provides information about a corridor, indicating that a file associated with it was not found in the database.


Contains information about obstacles, including polygons and circles.

Last updated