Add Drone

"Seamlessly integrate new drones into your system with Aeromegh's addDrone API."

This API provides programmatic access to add a new drone to the system with secure API key authentication for authorized users.


To use the API, insert your API key in the Authorization header like this:

Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>

Replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with your AeroGCS API key. Without it, you'll get a 401 Unauthorized error.



Post Data Parameters

HTTP Request${teamId}

URL Parameters

URL Parameters are:

HTTP Response

Response Codes Explanation:

Code Snippet

Examples of how you can call this API using curl, Node.js, and Python

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>' \
--data '{
    "droneID": "P000010024003B3131510137381045",
    "droneName": "testapi",
    "uin": "BTASD123DB746",
    "model": "134", 
    "serialNo": "34665dffd4554", 
    "fcsNo": "dgf34554", 
    "rcsNo": "ws43433", 
    "board_type": "cubeOrangePlus", 
    "green_build_number": "103.265.20240425.01", 
    "device_ram": "12GB", 
    "android_version": "Android 9", 
    "device_model_name": "QUALCOMM MK15", 
    "firmware_version": "4.4.4", 
    "license_type": "OEM" 

Note: Replace <API_KEY> with the actual API_KEY provided by Aeromegh.

API Response

Example of API response in JSON format:

    "message" : "Drone has been registered"

API Response Parameter

Following parameter is included in API response:

Last updated