"Easily upload offline flight logs and seamlessly integrate drone flight data with Aeromegh's addOfflineFlightLogs API."
This API provides programmatic access for uploading offline flight logs with secure API key authentication. This endpoint accepts POST requests and requires authentication through a bearer token, facilitating the integration of flight data into the system.
To use the API, insert your API key in the Authorization header like this:
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>
Replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with your AeroGCS API key. Without it, you'll get a 401 Unauthorized error.
//Please install 'axios' , ' form-data' and ' fs ' module first
//Set your API key before making the request
const axios = require('axios');
const FormData = require('form-data');
const fs = require('fs');
let data = new FormData();
data.append('file', fs.createReadStream('postman-cloud:///1ef0c693-4ecd-4390-981e-1feebdb9fdcc'));
let config = {
method: 'post',
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
url: 'https://ags.aeromegh.com/Aeromegh/addOfflineFlightLogs',
headers: {
'projectname': 'test',
'planname': 'test',
'aerostackid': '999e8416-d5af-4828-8c44-a83f1e556d4e',
'flightid': '1c0d5d87-4a1c-4613-a5eb-2bb1c0a13791',
'droneid': 'P00001004F002B3131510137383337',
'teamid': 'a16afc9b-5205-4fa5-8c42-6276ce1e3281',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <API_KEY>',
data : data
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
//Please install 'requests' package first
//Set your API key before making the request
import requests
url = "https://ags.aeromegh.com/Aeromegh/addOfflineFlightLogs"
payload = {}
headers = {
'projectname': 'test',
'planname': 'test',
'aerostackid': '999e8416-d5af-4828-8c44-a83f1e556d4e',
'flightid': '1c0d5d87-4a1c-4613-a5eb-2bb1c0a13791',
'droneid': 'P00001004F002B3131510137383337',
'teamid': 'a16afc9b-5205-4fa5-8c42-6276ce1e3281',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <API_KEY>'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, files=files)
Note: Replace <API_KEY> with the actual API_KEY provided by Aeromegh.
API Response
Example of API response in JSON format:
"message": "Logs added"
API Response Parameter
The following parameter is included in API response::
A message indicating the result of the operation. In this case, it confirms that the logs has been successfully added to the Aeromegh system. The value will be "Logs added".