Add Flight Log

"Effortlessly record and manage drone flight data with Aeromegh's addFlightLog API endpoint."

This API provides programmatic access for adding flight log entries with secure API key authentication. It records essential telemetry data and other relevant information, creating a comprehensive record of drone operations.


To use the API, insert your API key in the Authorization header like this:

Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>

Replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with your AeroGCS API key. Without it, you'll get a 401 Unauthorized error.



Post Data Parameters

Example of the teleData object:

    "alt": 1.37,
    "bat": "43.631",
    "dir": "18.00",
    "flowRate": "0.00",
    "lat": 28.9852907,
    "liquidConsumed": "00",
    "liveObstacleDistance": "2.5",
    "lon": 78.0017839,
    "mod": "16",
    "pit": -1.6977644338993196,
    "rol": 0.7457296585355124,
    "sat": 28,
    "sprayPumpRate": "41",
    "sprayedArea": "0.0000",
    "sprayedDistance": "1283.448",
    "vel": 0.05128028988838196,
    "yaw": 18.24909237728412

HTTP Request

HTTP Response

Response Codes Explanation:

Code Snippet

Examples of how you can call this API using curl, Node.js, and Python:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>' \
--data '{
    "droneID": "P00001004F002B3131510137383337",
    "teleData": {"alt":1.37,"bat":"43.631","dir":"18.00","flowRate":"0.00","lat":28.9852907,"liquidConsumed":"00","liveObstacleDistance":"2.5","lon":78.0017839,"mod":"16","pit":-1.6977644338993196,"rol":0.7457296585355124,"sat":28,"sprayPumpRate":"41","sprayedArea":"0.0000","sprayedDistance":"1283.448","vel":0.05128028988838196,"yaw":18.24909237728412},
    "flightID": "ebddac29-c44d-481e-90ff-48a344080fa8",
    "key": "AS_TELE_DATA",


Note: Replace <API_KEY> with the actual API_KEY provided by Aeromegh.

API Response

Example of API response in JSON format:

    "message": "Flight log added"

API Response Parameter

The API response contains the following parameters:

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